Who do you say I am?
So, college devotions this week are about questions Jesus would ask us. Today we looked at Jesus asking the disciples who people say he is. And we were left with the challenge of what we would respond if Jesus asked us 'Who do you say I am?'
Who do I say Jesus is?... I think my head and my heart would say 2 different things.
My head would probably spout of what 'I know', what I've been brought up to believe. And that is; Jesus is the son of God, the Messiah, the Saviour of the world, the reason I am here, a kind, caring, loving, forgiving, generous, healing person.
But what would my heart say? Does my heart really believe those things? Could I honestly, truly, deeply say any of those things and mean them? I'm not sure.
I think if I were to try and put something together of who I believe Jesus to be, right now, I would say; a guy who was written about in the Bible, who did good and amazing things to many people, and who now does similar to some people sometimes.
Doesn't bode well for a 'Christian children's worker' does it?
So why the doubt, why the uncertainty? Hmmmmm...
I totally know what you mean! I have been kind of feeling the same way recently. "What do I TRULY believe?" I think it's great that you're doubting because that is the way that we really grow closer to God. It's the searching and the questioning that matures our faith, not the mundane religious practices we're used to.
Keep questioning your heart. You'll get your answers in time!
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