Awesome and Challenging
They were the 2 words I used to describe the weekend I've just had! I could say so much, but it'd all be lost in that all that really matters is that I have a relationship with The God Of My Life and He is to be praised!
I have been called to follow and to fish, but not only to fish, but also to catch. I want God to send me to wherever He wants me. I wanna be prepared for His plans to over-rule in my life. Nothing is a suprise for Him, yet we question a lot of this world.
God will do everything and anything to get you where He wants you. Disaster might happen, but that could be speaking to someone somewhere and the likelyhood of it is that it IS speaking to someone. God sent a storm to Jonah; it caused many problems for sailors and others, but He used it to speak to Jonah and because of that, many people were converted in Nineveh. Whats happened in the world over this past week or so is devasting, but we must remember that God has a plan, and that flood may have been speaking to a number of people and so many more people may come to know the Lord Jesus through this event, so lets pray that it does speak!
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