The Wonderful World of Becca

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hmmm, today!

Feeling kinda poo tonight... no-one came to pray at church, Dad double booked, so couldn't come and man it with me, so I was on my lonesome, which I didn't mind so much, except that I was meant to be going through to Brownies at 6:15, which I obviously couldn't do, so that frustrated me as last week my mind was totally on prayer week, so i was useless at Brownies, so yeah!

Although all this aside, it was really encouraging to read some prayers one lady had written and I really think God has been working in her this week.

I'm still really excited about my job, but am just thinking this church needs a total wake up call to prayer. I know this week wasn't everyone's cuppa tea, but that's not the point. As Christians we're called to pray, in the Bible we see just how much Jesus goes off to find a quiet place and pray and it just bugs me that people don't come and pray. We had the LifeGroups there and there were loads of people, but I reckon that not even half the congregation came and it just bugs me. Not coz I want them to see what I've done, but coz I want them to have a deeper, more passionate prayer life.
Hmm anyway, I think I've said enough already!

Had my first bassoon lesson yesterday and that rocked. I loved it and Bronia is an awesome teacher. It seemed strange learning a new instrument, but it was great fun and I learnt so much so quick; like 2 octaves! I can't wait till my next lesson already! But it's a whole week!!!


At 7:13 pm, Blogger Anderson Marsh said...

Most churches need awake up call when it comes to prayer - sounds like God's doing great things in your life.

May he continue to bless and guide you.


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