What an amazing God...
Ah, I'm so excited not to have had the post spring harvest crash down to earth that I seem to have every year. Yeah, I miss the kids, the paint factory, my team, but God's good... He gave me SO much to take away and hold onto from my 11 days at Spring harvest and my prayer is that I'll keep clinging onto those things and just use them to deepen and strengthen my relationship with him.
I love spending time around other Christians. It always builds me up and encourages me so much. I really felt my faith and trust being stirred and increased and just feel so strong in God's mighty arms.
I know life's not always gonna be easy, I know there will be struggles ahead, but I also know that God is for me and that he's already beaten the enemy and that I can all things through Christ who gives me strength.
What an amazing God I serve...
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