The Wonderful World of Becca

Friday, March 23, 2007


So I went to see Rita with Dan yesterday. It was SO good to see her. It's been a while, can't remember if I last went in November or September, either way, that was ages ago!!

We had a great time, a real giggle and she seemed well and quite happy considering. I think she appreciated seeing some younger people. I'm not sure how often any other TNT folk visit her, but she was so grateful to see us. It doesn't sound like that many people are writing or visiting at the moment, which kinda sucks. I can't believe she's been in there 2 years now. It doesn't seem real. That means she has a minimum of 3 years left, which is something.
I'm so bowled over by the opportunities she's getting and am really glad about all the stuff she's getting involved in. Yesterday was like seeing the real Rita again and it was really good. I always feel so privileged to be able to visit her and be a part of her life. I just hope things turn out ok in the long run...
Will definately have to go visit again soon


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