The Wonderful World of Becca

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Wow, how awesome was my weekend? I went as 1 of 6 leaders with 14 of the JPs from church to Pinewood and boy did God's spirit move in that place...
An orange...You've got the skin, which holds it all together and protects it - that's God. But you still have one orange. Then you've got the flesh -that's Jesus who came to earth as flesh - the son of God. But you've still got one orange. Then if you squeeze the flesh, you've got the juice, which flows out and can be poured upon anyone - that's the Holy Spirit. But you still have one orange. How awesome is that?
Who am I? I'm a child of God, an ambassador of Christ, Christ's friend, a saint, a Princess in God's kingdom, fearfully and wonderfully made, created in the image of God, a temple in which God dwells, a citizen of heaven, God's co-worker, a member of Christ's body, completely forgiven, justified, made complete in Christ, the salt of the earth, a branch on Christ's vine. The list goes on coz in Christ I have a value, I'm loved, I have a purpose. He has taught me who I am - I am His.