No warm fuzziness
So, it's Easter Sunday - woo hoo! Yup, that's right, I was being sarcastic.
So, Jesus is alive, Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus has been resurrected. Sure, that's sweet, but I'm not feeling at all warm and fuzzy about that. I walked into church this morning and everyone's all excited, hugging each other, saying happy easter; there's a general buzz and a sense of joy. Our twice a year church goers make their easter appearance, our easter only church goers make their's too.
But, amidst it all, there's no warm fuzziness in my heart. Wait a minute you say, this should be the most exciting day of any Christian's year; Jesus rose from the dead, which means all our sins are forgiven through his death on the cross and we can have eternal life with him.
Sure this is cool, but I'm just not feeling it. Don't get me wrong; it's awesome that Jesus rose from the dead, there is so much hope in that. I realise that without Jesus, without his death and resurrection my life wouldn't be worth living. And I take comfort in that and it's awesome news and such an act of sacrifice that I couldn't even begin to imagine how it felt, but it just doesn't get me all warm and fuzzy inside. I don't get excited, I don't want to stuff my face with chocolate that relatives give you because it's easter. What is Easter? It's a celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection. And through that we hav new life in Jesus. But why wouldn't you celebrate it if you don't believe it. Ok, so maybe you believe it, but don't believe in it. So why give easter eggs? Why get drawn into the consumerism? It's so stupid!
I know this all sounds so wrong. Surely I shouldn't feel like this especially as a church worker. But I do and I have to deal with it and if you're reading, go ahead, comment!
How normal!! We all feel that about Easter at least once.. Christmas too.. Life just has periods of ups and downs.. and somtime alot of time right in between. Like thay say about my job: hours of monotonous boredom punctuated by breif episodes of stark terror! Think how the Gospels start with Jesus' amazing birth (amazing for us anyway, I'd rather not be born in a stable not to mention the rumors that must have circulated about Mary...).. Suddenly he's 30 and preaching... (Yes Bible scholar there is that in-between verse about him growing up, but that's it.) Anyhow that's how life is. And the in-between time is therfore most important even when is is boring or sad; because it prepares us for whatever might be.
Reading suggestion: A Sacred Sorrow by Michael Card.
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