Wow, its been a while...
My colleague has twins and they're awesome. They're 2 and a half. I've met them a few times and spent a while chatting with them at work one saturday morning. After that particular episode they asked Helen when they could see Becca again. I thought that was sweet.
Anyways, one December morning Harry & Emily had to come into the office with Mummy. So Becca spent a good few hours talking, reading and playing with them. It was ace. We read iggle piggle and oopsy daisy, played with a wind up cat, nearly managed to destroy a computer and ate Christmas tree shaped cookies... awesome times.
Helen comes back to work in Jan and tells me how they took the children to Costa in the holidays and they chose tree shaped biscuits, to which Emily replies 'they're like the ones we had in Becca's office'. Awwwww how cute.
They barely know me, but Helen says they seem to have really clicked with me and taken to me. It's so sweet and so nice to feel wanted!!!