The Wonderful World of Becca

Saturday, April 30, 2005


I was chatting to Becky the other day, about God carrying you through bad times, but also you needing Him just as much in the good times. Then I had this awesome picture... imagine you’re walking along the road bare foot and then you get to a bit where there’s wet concrete. That’d be so nasty to walk through, but get this, God’s come along and He’s swept you off you feet and He’s carried you through that concrete, so instead of it getting stuck to your feet, it’s got stuck to His.
It reminded both me and Becky of the footprints poem, but we both decided that this was much more personal to us. How cool is that though?!

Friday, April 22, 2005


I was driving home from TnT...

It was well dark, the streetlamps were bust, yet I could see coz of my headlights. Addiscombe and this world are dark places, yet individually we shine as Christians. I then came across a car going in the opposite direction and i could see it coz of it's headlights. There are other Christians in the dark place too, so together we are all lights shining for God. What I was thinking about at the time was our Church banquet to celebrate 3 years of lifegroups (we've got 12 now and had 4 then!)... Our lifegroups are like lights shining into Addiscombe, a dark place without God.
Doesn't that sound good?! I believe we can light up Addiscombe, slowly, but surely!!!