I'm off
Hey to all who read this. I'm off to Spring Harvest tomorrow until Thursday, so will tell you all about it when I get back! Have good weeks and say hello if you're reading!
Hey to all who read this. I'm off to Spring Harvest tomorrow until Thursday, so will tell you all about it when I get back! Have good weeks and say hello if you're reading!
Was reading again last night... I'm reading Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. It's a really cool book actually. My church are reading Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life, but I thought I'd really CoD this lent. It's bizarre though because up until yesterday, nothing had really challenged me.
I was reading this neat little book last night. It's designed for women either to work through together or alone and it's pretty neat.
I no longer feel like a pressure cooker. Guess why?
So yet again this place is in serious need of an update! One day I might actually have something interesting to say on this blog, but until then, I'll just waffle!
So excited yesterday... CMS produced a DVD of South Africa Tour and I got my copy yesterday. Watched it this afternoon and it brought back many many happy memories! I felt all inspired and blessed again. Was so wonderful. I miss Kate and Jacqui though!
So I have a bunch of work I need to get done today, but right now I'm not feeling to go and get dressed and start the work! Whoopsy!