The end is nigh
Well, today I had my last supervision with Mark for the year. Even though I don't finish until July 28, he leaves on June 18, so we tied up as much as we could today. We reflected on my year; highs/low/lessons/lessons about myself/God dimension/what I can take for the future. My it was so interesting and amazing. Like I know this year has been so full of ups and downs and lessons and God's just been amazing, but to have it all written down, well not even all of it, on a piece of paper in front of you is just amazing. I was overcome with awe. So I wanted to share some things...
- Don't try and organise transport for TnT!!!
- Phoning people really isn't that bad
- Deal with difficult situations face to face
- Practise giving talks no matter how long they are
- Take time out just to listen to God
- Lots of people don't need to know everything
- TnT needs working at when it gets difficult, not running away from
- Big events are spiritually and emotionally exhausting
- I need to engage in Bible study in order to let God speak
- Bible study isn't about me, look outwards
- Be more assertive!
- Buying clothes doesn't solve emotional pain!!
- I'm not very good at responding to things I don't want to hear e.g. uni advice from Mark & Bish Nick
- Congruence is so important - what we say must match what we're thinking, what we're feeling and what we're doing
- Keep on trusting - He won't give up on me (my hip)
- If God's not saying something specific for you to do, concentrate on obeying his word
- God does actually heal (Dom's sister at Spring Harvest)
- Spending time with God each morning really does help the day ahead
- God really has changed me e.g. self harm
- Mindset it everything - don't let yesterday get in the way of tomorrow
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