The Wonderful World of Becca

Friday, February 02, 2007

A few thoughts

Last week I listened to a talk Joyce Meyer gave. It was quite thought provoking… she was saying that so often we rant, rave and shout about our problems, but what difference will that make? It won’t solve the problems, so instead we should just go with the flow. That’s all very well, but what if going with the flow is painful/uncomfortable?! I guess life isn’t all about being comfortable and yeah God calls us to take risks and come out of our comfort zones, but flip does that take courage!

I frequently wonder what the point in life is and why I’m here etc. I read something by John Eldredge the other week and he said that Jesus said the point of us being here is to love God and to love others. And I guess Jesus must be right!! I know in my heart that if I just focused on loving God and making my relationship with him better then life would generally be much better, but how much do I actually want that? Sure, I want my life to be all red and rosy, I want it to be fun and comfortable and exciting. I don’t want it to be full of discomfort and uncertainty. So why don’t I trust Jesus with it?


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