It is for freedom that Christ has set us free

Today at life group we talked about freedom. It was quite a heated discussion in that one lady in particular seemed to have a lot of issues with our government and how we can possibly live in freedom if we have all these silly laws to abide by. What she was particularly referring to is things like kids under a certain age and height have to have a special booster seat when travelling in the car, so neighbours can no longer help each other out by collecting each others' children in an emergency. We talked about the concept of needing to be set free from sin, but also the guilt that comes from having sinned or from feeling you should have done something that you've not actually done.
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1

God wants us to be free from sin and the great thing is that we have been set free and all we need to do is grasp onto that promise of freedom that Jesus has for each of us.
Birds often symbolise freedom to me - they can just fly off anywhere, anytime and they don't have to be accountable to anyone for their whereabouts.

It is through God's mighty word that we can be saved and it is that truth we need to hold onto. We can try many other means to get freedom, we can get our tarrot cards read, we can seek new age spirituality, we can do many things, but it's only God and his word that can set us free. And once we're free, what an amazing freedom that is. A freedom that nothing or no-one else can give us. And it's mighty and it's wonderful and it's simply amazing.
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